Friday, August 19, 2011

Popular Etsy Shop Expanded

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Once upon a time there was a shop on Esty. It was a popular shop. It sold wonderfully creative laptop decals. Then, one day, a user went to Etsy to buy a laptop skin, and they were gone. Never fear, laptop sticker buyer, Laptop Sticker Shop has not gone to the ground like many businesses today. They’ve just moved to their own website. Laptop Sticker Shop designs for Apple Macbooks or iPads, but you can put their decals on any surface - a PC, your wall, or even your car.

Laptop Sticker Shop has some pretty creative laptop stickers. There are some that even I, a designer, would never have thought of. They have Superman ripping off his shirt, and instead of the classic S being revealed, it’s the Apple logo.

Superman Laptop Decal

They even have the witch from Wicked holding the Apple logo.

Wicked Laptop Sticker

A pretty popular decal seems to be the Zelda Hyrule Crest. Laptop Sticker Shop even makes a special edition Gold Zelda Hyrule Crest. But the Zelda decals don’t stop there. They have plenty of Zelda laptop stickers. They have a fist with the Zelda Triforce symbol. They have the fairy Navi being chased. The Zelda laptop stickers at Laptop Sticker Shop are pretty impressive.

Zelda Laptop Stickers

But Laptop Sticker Shop doesn’t have only Zelda or cartoon laptop stickers. They also have several popular Harry Potter laptop decals. My personal favorite is the Mischief Managed decal. The Harry Potter laptop decal says, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good...Mischief Managed.” There is also a Harry Potter laptop sticker where the Apple is the Snitch and Harry Potter is chasing after it, just about to grab it. And finally, Laptop Sticker Shop has a Harry Potter vinyl laptop skin of Harry Potter casting a patronus, and the patronus is the Apple. Very clever.

Harry Potter Laptop Stickers

Among the many clever laptop decals, Laptop Sticker Shop has a skeleton grabbing the apple, pandas, jelly fish, an octopus, Pokemon, several different shark decals, a few different rock band laptop stickers, a Hello Kitty laptop sticker, and even stethoscopes. The range of creative laptop stickers is seemingly endless at Laptop Sticker Shop.

So, you may be asking, “Why a laptop sticker?” Quite simply put, every laptop looks the same. Why not make your laptop stand out from the crowd with a vinyl laptop sticker?

You might also be asking, “What’s so special about Laptop Sticker Shop? Aren’t there other laptop sticker places out there?” Yeah, there are other laptop sticker places out there. But Laptop Sticker Shop has customer service like no other laptop sticker place out there. Let’s say you ordered a vinyl laptop sticker, and it didn’t come in the time frame you expected it to come in. Call Laptop Sticker Shop(yep, they have a real phone number with a real person at the end). Email Laptop Sticker Shop. They will send you a replacement laptop skin for free just for the hassle. And who can deny that for around $10 a laptop sticker, you’re getting a great deal?

Stand out from the crowd of monotonous laptops. Spice up your laptop.

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